I just want to highlight one thing: Offshore oil drilling is very popular with the public.
Pew Research Center Poll. Feb. 3-9, 2010. Adults nationwide.
"As I read some possible government policies to address America's energy supply, tell me whether you would favor or oppose each.
First, would you favor or oppose the government ... [a]llowing more offshore oil and gas drilling in U.S. waters":
Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %2/3-9/10 63 31 6
4/14-21/09 68 27 5
ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Aug. 13-17, 2009. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5 (for all adults).
"To address the country's energy needs, would you support or oppose action by the federal government to ... [i]ncrease oil and gas drilling"
Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %8/13-17/09 64 33 3
5/31-6/3/01 67 29 3
When you talk about punching hippies, remember that a politician's first job is to do things that maintain public support for him/her personally and his/her policies. One of the cheapest and easiest ways to do that is to announce things that sound like you agree with the popular position, but in fact you don't commit yourself to any irreversible course of action. If hippies agreed with the sixty-some percent of Americans who are in favor of drilling, then we'd all be jumping for joy, but it would still be an announcement with no content. If there were times you could legitimately say "just words" about Obama, it would be in this case and in the case of the executive order on abortion.
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