How stupid do you have to be to believe this shit?
A drug dealer marks his spot by tying the shoe strings of sneakers together and hanging them over a line, he said: Look for those shoes. Near them is an alleged drug house his group is targeting.
Following Phillips’ directions, a reporter and photographer drive up 25th Avenue with a video camera aimed out the passenger’s side window.
Sure enough, shoes hang there on a line. Beyond them, men stand in a front yard. Noticing the camera, one yells, “What the f--k is goin’ on!”
That’s the kind of confrontation drug fighters like Phillips face regularly, in their marches, night watches and camp-outs, as they try to drive the dealers out.
People throw shoes over power lines for all sorts of stupid reasons. Who knows, maybe some drug dealers have heard the urban legend and did it. But most dealers don't hang up signs - their customers know where to find them.
But yeah, in any tough city neighborhood aiming a video camera out a car window will at least earn you "What the fuck is goin' on!" It could also get you killed, which would be your own foolish fault for brandishing something that could be mistaken for a gun out a window.