Thursday, October 8th
Drinking Liberally Mt. Airy in the Sukkah
Drinking Liberally Mt. Airy host Adam Zion says:"You are all invited to join me in the back yard of my house as we Drink Liberally in the Sukkah! A sukkah is a temporary 'booth' which Jews build to celebrate the harvest festival of Sukkot, which runs through this Saturday night. And, since it's a mitzvah (commandment) to eat + drink in the sukkah, combined w/another commandment to welcome guests into one's house, what better than to invite friends over for beer in the sukkah.
"So, come one, and come all, join us at 6:00 PM this Thursday, 10/8, at my house at 7035 Lincoln Dr. Please send a confirmation via e-mail if you are going to attend, so that I can order adequate beer, munchies, etc. For all of you who attended last year, we'll have the same deal this time around: I'll provide the location + a case of beer, the rest I hope our guests can provide. And I figure we'll order a pizza or so if people feel so inclined."
Send In Your Event Suggestions
Like all civic-minded liberals, we're here to promote democracy and citizen engagement in the political process, especially if there is beer involved. Whether it is or not, forward any area events for the week to the Philly DL organizer by Sunday to have them included in the weekly email.Help Us Promote DL
Spread the word to your liberal friends to sign up for a group of like-minded people who get together every week to have fun and talk about what's happening in progressive politics right now. Please forward this email to those who might be interested in coming out and Drinking Liberally.About Us
Drinking Liberally is a project of Living Liberally, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization which builds progressive community through social networks and events. Founded in 2003, Living Liberally has 341 chapters across the country. The Center City Philadelphia chapter of DL was started during the 2004 election and has met every Tuesday night since.