Over at rightwing godshop Get Religion, frontpager E.E. Evans says:
To which I replied:It’s no secret that President Barack Obama has been viewed in quasi-Messianic terms by some on the left….
[T]he Messianic language comes from the left ….
“It’s no secret” is one of those weasel phrases people use when they don’t have any evidence to cite.
She deleted the comment, but also responded to it! Which, I suppose, is novel. By way of providing evidence, she says:
Davis/Mithras, here’s a sampling of perspectives —
By the way “Mithras” if you want to make a point, try making it politely. Otherwise, the next time, your comment will surely as the sun comes out tomorrow be deleted again.
Ooooh, I'm in troubbbbllllle. E.E. Evans, professional religious person, thinks I am not polite. Oh well. But what I said was:
Of your three links: It’s interesting that 2 of them are primarily about the comments of African-Americans (the third, Rolling Stone, has to be taken as a tongue-in-cheek Star Wars reference), but you identify these people as the left generally. (Also, citing Politico is a bit tendentious, don’t you think?) I believe there is a bit of a racial/religion ghost in your characterization.
Meaning, you're a fucking liar. Shockingly, she deleted that comment, too.
You know, I give the biblethumpers at GR credit for at least having comments, unlike most rightwing bloggers, but it's hard for them to maintain their mental rigidity and still let other people talk. So they make copious use of the spike. (That's journalism lingo, kids. Isn't the internet wonderful?) I don't do that, myself. I mean, if you allow opposing comments, then you have to read them but no one else probably will. But when you delete comments, then someone like me goes back to their own blog and calls you a fucking liar for everyone to see.