When anti-abortion activist James Pouillon was shot and killed in Michigan last month, the mainstream media response was significantly more muted [than when Dr. Tiller was assassinated]. While there could be different explanations or excuses for the insignificant coverage … .
To which I responded in comments:
Oh, I wish there had been more coverage of Mr. Pouillon and why he was outside that specific school:
It will be impossible for some to believe, but my dad really didn’t care about aborton.
He did this to stalk, harass, terrorize, scream at, threaten, frighten, and verbally abuse women. He had a pathologic hatred of women: his mom, my mom, everyone.
After my mom finally left him and he lost his favorite punching bag the violence and abuse that was always contained within our 4 walls was unleased on the people of Owosso. …
He was at the high shool because my niece was there, and female family members were always his favorite targets.
Of course, the fact that the murderer also killed a gravel company owner and was after a real estate broker when he was caught, neither of whom had anything to do with abortion, might be a fairly decent “excuse” for not giving the story more play.
Which she deleted. Because that's just how Get Religion rolls.
Serves you right for reading it in the first place.
Posted by: Max Kennerly | October 15, 2009 at 07:34 PM
I have a morbid fascination with hypocritical moralists.
Maybe I need a different hobby?
Posted by: Mithras | October 15, 2009 at 07:55 PM