Regarding the guy who murdered his girlfriend after she got a restraining order against him, this:
Former Republican Gov. Louie B. Nunn alleged in a 1994 letter that his son Steve, now charged with the murder of a Lexington woman, had physically attacked him and abused other family members.
Louie Nunn, who died in 2004, told his son he was too old and disabled to fight with him physically, and that the mental anguish caused by the attack "is more than I need."
Louie Nunn also said he didn't want having hurt his son physically or mentally on his conscience or his record.
"Therefore I respectfully request you never attack me physically again," the elder Nunn said in the handwritten letter to his son. "Neither do I intend to take any more verbal abuse from you."
Nunn warned that if his son ever attacked him again, he would have him charged with assault and seek a restraining order against him.
That would require bringing into court Steve Nunn's sister, children and former wife, Martha Lu Nunn, "all of whom you have abused," Louie Nunn said in the letter.
Just think, if the Nunn family had taken legal action then, Amanda Ross might be alive today.
On the other hand, the letter was part of an official court filing in 1994 and no opposition research brought it to light when Steve Nunn ran for office or was hired by the state to oversee the domestic violence program:
The nine-page letter was included in the court file of a divorce petition Beula Nunn, the former GOP governor's wife, filed against him in 1994 in Metcalfe County.
Remember: It's not a "mistake" when they hit you. They're out of control. Verbal and physical abuse means they're out of control enough to kill. If they grab, kick, punch or slap, call the cops. Nip it in the bud, and you might save your own life or the life of another.
Awful, awful, awful.
Posted by: phillygrrl | September 18, 2009 at 12:32 PM