But, with Tiller dead at the hand of a gunman who confronted him in a church lobby, the family decided the facility's doors will not reopen to patients and the sign will come down.
"Effective immediately, Women's Health Care Services, Inc., will be permanently closed," lawyers Dan Monnat and Lee Thompson announced in a statement e-mailed to reporters. ...
The shutting of Tiller's clinic reduces by one the handful of places in the United States where women could receive a late-term abortion. Lawyers for the family promised that patient files will be protected, but they offered no word about the future of the clinic's patients, or where they would be sent.
Looks like the professional and semi-pro Wichita protesters will have to get a life:
Dr. Tiller’s clinic was the one — the big one — [Operation Rescue President Troy] Newman had always hoped to close. Still, he said, if it closed now it would be no victory for Operation Rescue.
No shit. I think you already gave every kook in the world the notion.