Went to see this Thursday night. It was interesting to see live radio on a movie screen. Will it take off? Do I care? What I'd rather see are concerts live in the movie theater. It's a no brainer. Your favorite band is playing too far away to see them in person. Pay $10 and see them on the big screen. Sell beer and you're rich.
hey, i went too!
i couldn't get into the bridge though. i was at riverview
Posted by: upyernoz | April 24, 2009 at 10:24 AM
It was so weird, wasn't it? I had the distinct impression that Glass was younger than he is. I kept being distracted by the fact that his glasses were dirty with makeup. I mean, who goes into the makeup room and doesn't take off his glasses?
Posted by: Mithras | April 24, 2009 at 10:38 AM
i had seen glass before so his appearance didn't surprise me. (but the first time i did see what he looked like, i believe it was in the film "gigantic"), i thought he looked completely different from what i imagined.
starlee kine was like that last night. i assumed she looked like sarah vowell.
Posted by: upyernoz | April 24, 2009 at 01:15 PM