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February 13, 2009


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Sorry to hear about your pops but glad he passed away with family around. My dad was in pretty bad shape but we were all there at the nursing home. He was decimated by Parkinson's but I was holding his hand when he finally left us. Really rough thing to experience, but I'd do it all over again. One of the best things I've done in my life was writing and reading his eulogy. I even snuck his favorite semi-dirty joke* into it ("My son doesn't drive slow and he doesn't drive fast. He drives half-assed."). My only regret is that he wasn't able to see me get married a few months later.

* "semi-dirty" to read on the altar of a Catholic church. I heard the priest let out a little gasp.

that piece you linked to is an incredible piece of writing. really.

i don't think it's cynical either. It was intense and true.

cant believe its been 5 years already

what brendan said. that's quite a memorial to your dad

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