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October 08, 2008


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I got a call from the campaign telling me that the venue had to be changed. Is this the new venue, do you know?

It was the early-morning venue as of 10 p.m. yesterday. (There will be four rallies in different parts of the city throughout Saturday - I think West Philly is second, at 11 a.m., but not sure.) When did you get the call and what did it say?

in heavily black areas of Philly means turnout:
Although it's changing, I think most people in Mayfair would be surprised to hear that.

It was about 6:30 or 6:45 p.m. and I talked with a woman who identified herself as a campaign staffer. She said there would be a rally up toward Temple University on Saturday and that they were in the process of finding a new venue 'cause the first one they'd secured was going to be too small.

Phawker has posted what looks like a finalized list of all the scheduled rallies on Saturday. I followed some bouncing links and found the list shortly after I posted my first comment here.

You're right, of course.

Progress Plaza is plenty large for a venue. I don't know where they could get a larger.


-Nod- Progress Plaza must be the bigger venue they were looking for when I got my call.

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