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July 11, 2008


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voicemail is critical for my work. besides, if someone misses my call from my office phone and calls back, they may not ever reach me. the call-back will go to the general firm switchboard. they need to be able to tell the receptionist who they want if they want to get me. which means they should listen to the fucking message.

Why is it critical? Your clients don't have computers?

yeah, some of the older union guys are pretty computer illiterate. also, more than 1/2 of my calls are from union reps in the field. very very few of them have mobile devices that can do email. so they just leave me voice mail messages.

yeah, some of the older union guys are pretty computer illiterate. also, more than 1/2 of my calls are from union reps in the field. very very few of them have mobile devices that can do email. so they just leave me voice mail messages.

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