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« Hearts and Minds | Main | Liberal Bloggers Pushing Right-Wing Smears »

May 18, 2008


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In the (frequent and contentious) arguments I have with family about gay marriage, I always bring up the point that many of the arguments they use against gay marriage (we are African-American) are modern day versions of the arguments used against interracial marriage.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to do anything but piss them off, since they (and I think a lot of black people) are extremely hostile towards comparisons between the gay rights and civil rights movements.

It's interesting, I guess.

I am familiar with the pissed-off reaction. It's kind of funny and kind of sad. You're not really someone in America until you have someone else to look down on, I guess.

One of history's sick ironies is that Fred Phelps was a civil rights attorney in the sixties, and is still proud of that even as he leads the "God hates fags" campaign. Obviously, he's crazy, but some people really do see the two things as completely unrelated.

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