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February 18, 2008


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They could have each saved a lot of time by simply admitting that preaching self-hatred to the electorate is an idea with little or no political support in this country.

Or anywhere, really.

Yes and no. I think this kind of thing can be turned into self-critique that is healthy for society, sort of an antidote to self-congratulation when your side (whichever side that is) wins. "Yeah! Now things will change." Really? Actually, positive change comes very slowly for the great majority of people who don't have the benefits of being first-class citizens in the richest society in human history.

On the other hand, it can also slide into wankery that justifies disengagement with the political process or Naderism: "Dude, why vote? They're all the same evil fuckers." Aka the perfect is the enemy of the good.

"Actually, positive change comes very slowly for the great majority of people who don't have the benefits of being first-class citizens in the richest society in human history."

Again, yes and no. I think gradualism/incrementalism are the rule in most things but they are historically punctuated by periods of astounding, very rapid, change. China has undergone more real growth that affected standards of living in basically the last 20 years than in the last 1000.

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