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February 29, 2008


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Your comments about the Naval Academy are ill informed and insulting. You do know that every midshipman at the Naval Academy gets their education paid for (the same as at all of the service academies). You do know that the mids represent all fifty states. You do know that the Naval Academy may be the toughest and most competitive school in the country to get in to. You do know that the graduates are all commissioned in the Marine Corps or Navy where they protect your right to be ill informed and express that lack of knowledge.

You're right. Naval aviators are saints. And the head saint is running for President.

Ok - assuming all of that is true Mithras, the money is McCain's and it's origin is clear. What are your views on the roughly(estimated) $100 million slush fund controlled by the Clinton's via the presidential library, significant amounts of which came from foreign sources?

Admittedly, other presidential libraries also have shady funding but Nancy Reagan ain't running for president.

What are your views on the roughly(estimated) $100 million slush fund controlled by the Clinton's via the presidential library, significant amounts of which came from foreign sources?

I think it's sleazy as hell. Part of the reason why she may be about to lose the nomination is that a significant percentage of Democrats see her and Bill as being unethical. It's a small part of why I support Obama. On the other hand - I can't follow your link because it got cut off by the right column - I don't know they did anything actually illegal. Just as McCain has done nothing illegal, at least, not since the early 90s.

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