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November 20, 2007


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I would also like to register my objection to NBC's apparent decision to pick every Patriots game from now until the end of the season as the Sunday night game. It's bad enough here in Atlanta to get saddled with the damn Falcons every week, but at least we could expect a decent night game.

Watching the Patriots play anyone is only going to be entertaining if Tom Brady starts nailing supermodels on the sideline between drives.

Also, if it's any consolation to Eagles fans, those of us who call ourselves Rams fans would kill for your problems right now.

Watching the Patriots play anyone is only going to be entertaining if Tom Brady starts nailing supermodels on the sideline between drives.

There's a joke about "three and out" in there somewhere, but I haven't had all my coffee yet.

Also, if it's any consolation to Eagles fans ...

This would be the only consolation Igglesfans would accept. That or human sacrifice.

aside from having a disgruntled linebacker shiv Tom Brady prison-yard style during the halftime show

That would be awesome.

Bridget Moynahan used to call the the "two minute drill"

Heh @ "two minute drill".

I think bookies just can't accept that they're not about to calm down and start acting "normal".

Actually, the bettors' behavior, not the bookies' prediction, determines the line. I think the line reflects the unwillingness of bettors to put down money on an unusually large spread for an NFL game, since 25 point spreads are basically unheard of (ESPN says this is the largest spread since 1976 when the champion Steelers were favored by 24 over the expansion Bucs -- and won 42-0). Once the bettors get used to the idea that the Patriots won't ease up when they are up 28 (and therefore won't give up a garbage time score to change the outcome of the bets), the bookies will offer the higher spread. Even then, it will still be lowered somewhat because of the possibility that Brady goes down in the first.

Just checked Tradesports, and you can buy the Pats at -21.5 for 56, so FWIW the "market" gives the Eagles a 44% chance of keeping it within three touchdowns.

I'm hoping Feeley and the Eagles BEAT the Patriots....not just the spread. Unlikely? Yep. But upsets DO happen...

I'm just sayin...

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