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June 19, 2007


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do you know how i might get ahold of hal or his family to voice my support? aesutton @ please. thank you.

Not a clue, dude.

"You know that's bullshit. The real fear is of teen and pre-teen sex. So long as they can't see them being affectionate with each other, they can tell themselves all their abstinence-only bullshit is working."

That's absurd Mithras. Ask any colleague who specializes in school law representing school boards.

Draconian zero tolerance rules are put into place in school districts where you have the following combination:

a) A section of the student population -usually a numerical minority but a sizable one - from whom outrageous behavior might possibly arise at any unsupervised moment. The school isn't "out of control" but it could go up for grabs at any moment.


b) A set of administrators with a collective track record for erratic student discipline where the gross inconsistencies in identical or similar cases are legally indefensible if challenged.

Their judgment is so reliably poor that school boards have been advised to remove their discretion and subsequently you get these idiots citing kindergarteners for " sexual harrassment" or expelling some 6th grader for a creative writing assignment involving a gun in a story.

Thus proving that even zero-tolerance is far from idiot-proof in a public school.

Hmmmm. How about teenage girls who are (a) being grabbed by the boys but who (b) know that complaining about it to authorities will only make the situation worse? I don't know what the solution is, mind you, but I don't think it's necessarily just about keeping teens from having sex.

How about teenage girls who are (a) being grabbed by the boys but who (b) know that complaining about it to authorities will only make the situation worse?

Even without a "zero touch" policy, if a teacher witnessed a boy grabbing a girl then that teacher could act because it's obviously not welcomed - call it the "no unwanted touch" rule. If no teacher witnesses it, it all depends on whether the girl reports it. Making the rule "zero touch" rather than "no unwanted touch" doesn't improve the chances of that.

I used to go to school with Hal Beaulieu, and I know that he wouldn't do anything bad, or mean anything wrong by putting his arm around a girl. That rule is nonense.I can see some touching not alowed, but not able to give a high five, or shake hands. If they are trying to make their appearance of the school look better by doing this, then they are terribly mitaken.

P.S. If anyone knows how I might contact Hal, please email me at [email protected]

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