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« Who Hates Women Doing Porn for Money? | Main | Islamic Radicals Plotted to Kill Soldiers at Dix »

May 06, 2007


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Most arguments prefaced with an appeal to " the common good" are really intent upon inflicting " the individual bad".

"Common good before individual good" - but in all caps - was also part of Hitler and Streicher's original manifesto for the NSDAP.

The human brain does not finish developing until age 25. You're much more likely to make an impulsive, short-term, dumbass decision before you're 25. Choosing an abortion before you're 25 is more likely to get you ahead in life--to college, to a more stable, adult realtionship, to an eventual kid that you can handle and love. Being prevented from choosing an abortion is going to either lead to the opposite or giving up a child for adoption, which has to be much more wrenching in most cases. I don't thing the data is there to support the idea that women are going to really regret not getting into porn when they were 18.

I don't thing the data is there to support the idea that women are going to really regret not getting into porn when they were 18.

The principle is autonomy. I don't know what the longterm effects of restricting the speech of any given young person is. And I don't really see how the government can measure when violating someone's constitutional rights is "worth it".

The problem with the argument "You're not fully adult until 25" is that it applies to too much. Why don't we just raise the age of majority to 25 and leave it at that?

This idiocy has pushed me all the way to endorsing what I had at first thought a shallow idea: when the "left" and the "right" agree on something, run like hell away from it. Especially if the "left" and "right" are embodied in the same person.

It's the sex thing. Drives people bonkers.

what about the alcohol-impaired-judgment criticism? Is that a sham too?

No, that's a good one. So, let's address that problem when it occurs, not by legally disabling all young women, whether sober or not.

"The human brain does not finish developing until age 25. You're much more likely to make an impulsive, short-term, dumbass decision before you're 25."

On average, that's true, in terms of probability. However the ability to engage in analytical reasoning and making predictive assessments, which is located primarily in the frontal lobes of the neocortex, begins phasing in during early adolescence. That area of the brain becomes increasingly active as it matures; a 24 year old is not like a 14 year old in terms of cognition.

At least for most of us.

Yes,It's the sex thing. Drives people bonkers.

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