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« Department of Clueless Urban Liberals | Main | QOTD »

March 26, 2007


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unattributed, so I guess this comes from you?

there may not be saints, but that's not to say there isn't saintly behavior. come on, you have a good day-- maybe you win a case or buy a new Ferrari (I don't know what makes lawyers feel warm and expansive) and you do something out of genuine altruism.

unless you're going to revive the ol' "you did it for the good feeling, which is selfish in that regard" argument, which is true...but also bunk. and would apply to saints too...

you did it for the good feeling, which ... would apply to saints too...

Really? That's a spin on the canon I wasn't aware of.

That's not a thought, that's a mood.

Only a devil does evil things to others for purely selfish reasons, and there are no devils. Better?

Also a mood.

Yo no entiendo.

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