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« Raines: The House, M.D. of Detectives | Main | Put Up or Shut Up »

March 17, 2007


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Thanks for putting this up.

Thank you for putting this online. Ray was a wonderful man, hard to forget, one that changed many lives...
His legacy lives on..

Ray was a great friend of mine and I am saddened to have found out of his passing this late, we had been friends at one time but fell out of touch (you know haw people are), I cared deeply for him.


it's so so sad to read about Ray's death. I just found out a couple days ago.. and i can't fathom it... I'm at a loss. He was a wonderful guy and i will miss him greatly.

Geez It has been about 18 months since i talked to Ray. We went to College together at Hahnemann where he was at the absolute top of the class. He was really the only person i still kept in touch with from college, but no matter what time past we were always just where we left off, Ray never kept score. That wasnt him. It's as if just yesterday he was meeting me on his bike with his ancient love worn leather backpack for coffee and studying or just to hag out listen to him play music, or meeting at Reading Terminal and debating about who has better hash browns and laughing so hard it hurt. He was fun to cook with. He was the greatest at getting people to be honest about their feelings. He tended to mesmerize people in a good way. He was really gifted and caring and a really loyal friend. He was smart and inspiring. He had been so on my mind. So now Aug 2008 I emailed him and it bounced back- i had hoped for a flash that maybe he was in a new band/ changed email etc so i googled. Bad idea. Terrible tragic reality pops up. from 16 months ago... I am sad beyond words for the loss of this very inspiring and true friend. This is so screwed up. I just hope so much that he is at peace. I will miss his laugh, his keen perspective, his eyes, his hugs. If you were lucky enough to know Ray pass the goodness forward, knowing how people like him do make the world a better place. My condolences to all who knew this precious person. Ray really impacted how I viewed the world. hugs of comfort to Aunt Pat and Christine and Zoe and Frank

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