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October 15, 2006


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Next step - getting John Paul Stevens to come to a Federalist Society meeting.

Would you settle for Ginsberg? She's former ACLU staff. If you're serious, then I can ask someone who can ask her.

but somehow he does find "flag burning"

In one of those rare "Whoa" moments, Justice Scalia was in the majority on Texas v. Johnson, the latest SCOTUS case affirming that flag burning is protected expression, and Justice Stevens dissented (separately from the Rehnquist dissent, at least).

It's the fact that John Paul Stevens has become the most reliably liberal member of the Supreme Court that truly illustrates how far the center has been dragged rightward. If the Bush administration nominated Reanimated Undead Torquemada to replace Stevens, Senate Democrats would be afraid to oppose him because of perceived "anti-Catholic" bias.

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