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August 02, 2006


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You know, I've been tempted to join the ACLU many times, but never could take the last step.

Why? Because they are a "gang," too. They are driving a lot of free-speech advocates, like Wendy Kaminer, out in the interest of promoting "equity" or "diversity" or whatever.

Their defense of free speech is highly selective and in some cases they have worked against free speech.

Why? Because they are a "gang," too.

I disagree. In my experience, the ACLU is highly principled. Is it perfect? No. But there is a saying, "The perfect is the enemy of the good." Overall, they do very good work.

They are driving a lot of free-speech advocates, like Wendy Kaminer, out .... Their defense of free speech is highly selective ...

This seems way overstated. It certainly doesn't match my impression of the people there. Have you gone to any of the member meetings? You don't have to belong to attend, and it might provide some good insight. I don't know where you live, but there is a national meeting in DC this October.

The idiots who ran the Dobriches out aren't Christians. They're just gang members.

Don't give them a free pass; they are Christians and gangsters. Thuggery is a key part of large swaths of modern American Christianity. And it will continue to be so at least as long as they combine overwhelming civic power with a myth of persecution.

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