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February 24, 2006


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BBC carried a photo like this one last April, also from AFP. I thought you were posting the same one, so I looked up the one I remembered:

Well, heaven forbid I should be able to post an image onto your blog. AFP image 29 April 2005, via BBC.

"Heaven forfend" is better than "heaven forbid." More churchy.

I guess there are many pools of blood in Iraq lately. I don't think the pictures are of the same pools, despite AFP's middle name being "French".

And I think I would call it a bloody pool, not a pool of blood, but then again I wasn't there.

I'm certain it's a different scene. The quality of light is a little different, and the debris in the one I recalled was more like shattered wood. I should have referenced the entire series, a photo essay from "apparently coordinated bomb attacks."

> many pools of blood in Iraq lately

A quick Google image search for pool blood iraq or pool blood bomb yields about a dozen pictures. I guess I would expect more. Maybe a lot of journalists consider the topic obscene, too close to actual mangled or dead, exsanguinated bodies.

And, nnnngh, it's L'Agence France-Presse, not Agence French-Presse. Though now I want a cup of coffee.

i will now be throwing up.

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