The says that Reid Calls for Probe of Domestic Spying by Bush administration:
Bush acknowledged Saturday that since October 2001 he has authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on international phone calls and e-mails of people within the United States without seeking warrants from courts.
And Reid is no fucking hero - he's known about this for months! Motherfucker.
Who is going to stand up and be a real fucking American at this moment in history? Not the frightened chestbeaters of the Republican party. And not the frightened hairsplitters of the Democrats. No heroes in office, so as usual: We have to be our own fucking heroes. That's really what this country is about. Does anyone get that anymore? We are our own bosses, we make our own rules, we decide our own fate. Not the machismo of guns in the glove compartment and ribbons on the tailgate - I mean moral courage. Real courage. Dedication to liberty - mine, and the other guy who makes different choices. That's fucking courage. Have it?
Probably not. Too busy watching fucking Entertainment Tonight.
Anyhoo, Mrs. Vader speaks:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday that public
disclosure of surveillance programs used to wage the war on terror
damages those efforts.
Rice, who was Bush's national security adviser when the program began, acknowledged that she was aware of it.
I love that - if you know what your government is up to, you are a fucking traitor.
Condoleezza Rice - a straight-up, no-shit, modern-day fascist.
Rice said that listening to terror leader Osama bin Laden's telephone
conversations had been successful until news reports disclosed it and
bin Laden stopped using the phone.
Bullshit. What a fucking lie. A stupid lie. Like her "mushroom cloud" crap, Condi is a fucking liar. Bin Laden was using a phone? Bullshit. He knows what our sigint capabilities are, dumbasses, we trained him. Remember? He has watched the Israelis blow people's heads off with cell phones. He doesn't allow anything electronic within miles of him, probably, down to watches and pdas. Anything that emits can be tracked. Fuckheads.
Rice could not cite the constitutional and other authority she
contended allowed Bush to authorize the domestic spying. However, she
said the program had been reviewed by administration lawyers and that
congressional leaders had been briefed.
Can't cite what doesn't exist, asshole. And those the same lawyers who passed on the torture thing? I can't believe I applied to work with those fucksticks.
"This is a war where intelligence is the long pole in the tent," Rice said on "Meet the Press" on NBC.
What the fuck does that mean? You need a long pole? What kind of right-wing dick speak is that? You can collect intelligence in accordance with the constitution and with the oversight of Congress and the American people, and still ward off terrorists. And if you miss some, all they can do is kill some number of us, they can't kill what America stands for. But you shitheads sure can.
Where are the fucking Americans? Where did they go?
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