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April 19, 2005


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To be clear, I would note that the sarcasm was not directed towards Ms. Ruzicka, since I also noted a few paragraphs below the one you quote that the Washington Post's article on her death made clear she actually got several million dollars appropriated for the people she was concerned with. My sarcasm was directed towards the way the broadcast networks reported on her work -- which is to say with no substantive information about the actual contribution she made. About the importance of her political views, I guess we just disagree, but I didn't want to leave the impression that I had been slinging around snark towards someone who had just died in a combat zone, which is the clear impression you leave about my writing.

Actually, that's the impression I got from reading your article as well. You do appear to be slinging snark at someone who's just died in a combat zone.

Damn, what a lowlife.

Dauber, there were plenty of ways for you to make sure it was clear you were criticizing the coverage, rather than the woman. You didn't take any of them.

Second, your criticism of the media is pretty weak. It amounts to saying Ruzicka's politics should have been an issue - when the politics of others who die in Iraq are not - and that reporters in a war zone shouldn't write about other people there if they like them.

Bottom line: uncouth behavior and poor analysis.

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