What not to say to Darth Vader at the Imperial water cooler.
Also, a few hasty notes jotted while channeling the Force:
It's Christmas On Hoth
Big day. Storming the rebel ice fortress.
Took a nap first so I would be peppy. Leg feels pretty good.
Admiral Ozzol took the fleet out of hyerspace too close to Hoth, and the Rebel Alliance were -- you guessed it -- alerted to our approach. The cornerstone of Ozzel's arrogance is his insistence that rebel technology is so vastly inferior to Imperial technology that we need broker no caution.
This attitude is typical of a man who could not rephase his own fusion orb if his life depended on it.
A method of travel using Regency romance novels of which I was hitherto unaware?
Posted by: DominEditrix | April 29, 2005 at 05:40 AM
OMG, I got totally sucked into this, I've been reading it obsessively! Favorite bit so far: "Do you want to know what the worst part is? My left leg is still on the fritz. Whose trachea do you have to crush with your mind to get a little service around here?" hahahahahaha
Posted by: Ruth | April 30, 2005 at 05:52 PM