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April 26, 2005


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Ok, I think that is an example of a math problem that *seems* to work but in fact doesn't b/c something is being left out--the factor of time. The odds that the original choice was correct are 1/3 and that doesn't change; but given that a door has been opened, the *problem* changes. The real question isn't to "hold on to" the 1/3rd door; it's to choose between two doors, either one of which has a 1/2 chance. In practice, that means you either stay with your "original" choice or switch, but in point of fact it isn't your "original" choice any more. It's a new one, and whether you switch doors or not, your odds are now 1/2.

A more extensive explanation is here.

Here's an even shorter explanation.

By not switching, you win iff you picked the right door to start with. Probability of this is 1/3.

By switching, you win iff you picked a wrong door to start with. Probability of this is 2/3.

That's perfect, Ilkka. Thanks.

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