Attaturk at Rising Hegemon:
Throughout the Bush Imperium, the pattern has been:
1. Something Happens.
2. Spin immediately and hard that it is the greatest thing EVER!
3. Say it is because of Dear Leader.
4. Move on to next over-the-top declaration of Dear Leader's greatness before anyone notices what happened is not the greatest thing ever, but actually made things worse.
5. Blather, Rinse, Repeat!
Of course, the reason this stratagem works is because your average Republican has the memory of a gnat and sixth-degree blackbelt rationalization skills.
We need to do something about this shit besides just bitch about it. I mean, we need to bitch about it, but then we need to figure out how to bust them.
Posted by: tex | March 09, 2005 at 02:05 PM