Does that look like the Madonna and baby Jesus to you? It does to Crysta Naylor and her mother Machelle in Nebraska.
The Naylors found the alleged icon in a bag of Rold Gold Honey Mustard Pretzels.
"We both kind of looked at each other at the time she brought it out and she turned it around and when she turned it around I said, 'that looks like the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus' and she said, 'that's what I think, Mom,'" said Machelle Naylor.
She and her daughter Crysta researched the bible after finding the pretzel and discovered mustard seeds, honey and even pretzels are mentioned in the texts.
It looks more like a treble clef to others. I think it bears a passing resemblance to the Good Vibrations logo lady. People are pretty stupid. But I am not convinced this isn't a hoax. How hard would it be to bake a pretzel like that on your own and claim you found it in a bag?
Now, the pair put their finding for auction on eBay.
Crysta is hoping the bids will reach $1,000 so she can buy a horse.
Bidding had reached $200 as of Saturday.
Well, it's up to $510 $610 $1,000 as of right now. Question: Is this holy treat best eaten with holy water or wine? I predict ovens all over the country will be churning out more baked deities soon. Other good suggestions I have heard: My cat has puked in the shape of the pieta. I made pot brownies and one looked like Bob Marley.
From the eBay ad:
My daughter is only 12 and when the question was asked what do you want to do with the money - she thought of her wish for so many years of having a horse. We though... have discussed this as a family (there is only 3 of us) and decided the best thing is to support our local church, also a church we were at for 9 years before and we will seek guidance from our local pastor for other charities. This has been quite a learning experience. It started out on a Sunday...a mother and daughter researching scripture and enjoying our afternoon together. Then the decision of sharing with everyone was answered by displaying on eBay. Whether this was a good decision will be given on Wednesday. I do want may daughter to have her dream of owning a horse, but the Lord does work his magic and guiding us in a different path.
Wow, if these people are grifters, they sure are good. "We're not selfish, we'll give all this money to charity ... somehow God will give little Crysta a pony."
Now you'll have to excuse me. I have to go take a shit in the shape of the holy grail.
Update: I'll try to update as the price rises. Bidding's up to $1,000 already. I am Carnack, I see a horse in Crysta's future.
Hey! Who writes your goddamn material?
Posted by: bitchphd | March 05, 2005 at 07:04 PM
Who writes yours, bitch?
Posted by: Mithras | March 05, 2005 at 10:35 PM
gross. it looks like the dog's poop on an off day.
Posted by: 42 | March 06, 2005 at 12:50 AM
Never mind $1,000, the pony is going to DisneyWorld.
Posted by: Sadly, No! | March 06, 2005 at 04:49 PM
I can only assume that this will have some impact on the Rapture Index!
Posted by: yank in london | March 10, 2005 at 12:11 PM