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« And Happy Easter, Asshole | Main | All Your Bases Are Covered »

March 28, 2005


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Naw...why put them out of the misery that they love so much? Their suffering is an win-win situation: they get to feel like put-upon underdogs railing against A WORLD THEY NEVER MAED!!!1!11! and I get to laugh at their sheer knuckledragging Hicksville moronity.

I swear, every time I see that first photo, all I can think of is how perfect that chick would have been in the Love is a Battlefield video. We are young! Oh, Pat Benatar, where are you when we need you?

Naw...why put them out of the misery that they love so much?

Aim low. Gut shot. They'll die slow.

all I can think of is how perfect that chick would have been in the Love is a Battlefield video.

Chick? Just because she's wearing a dress, I don't think we should assume anything. The purple scarf (?) could be a clue - hides the adam's apple.

Her blog made me laugh. I'm a bigger bastard than I realized and will burn in Hell forever.

Heyy whats upp?? if this is the BAND As i lay dieing then can u please email me !!!!


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