Yeah ... so. Not blogging so much right now. Yeah.
I thought about reading exclusively right-wing blogs. As an exercise in ... something. Then I figured out I don't hate myself that much. Plus, if I want to get stupider, I can just drink paint thinner, as usual. Simpler, makes more sense, and has fewer side effects.
So, I am renovating my house. (Whence the paint thinner.) Here's what I am up against:
The heinousness above is the view down my stairs. The color is true; the wall is orange (daubed partially with primer.) Yes, I bought the place with that color wall.
The stairs from the living room.
The stairs up to the landing. That's good wood. I think it will come up nice when it's sanded and sealed.
Until recently, it was covered in plum-colored carpeting. That's right, plum carpet and orange walls.
You think that's bad? Wait until you see the kitchen.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You The Kitchen of Death:Again, the color is reproduced accurately. That's some vivid radioactive green there, kiddies.
And yes, the furniture is Shaker. I like Shaker. You want to make something of it?
The living room, denuded of plum carpet and with orange walls (almost entirely) primed.
See those floors? Some asshole went nuts with a staple gun so that fucking plum carpet would not move. I have to wrestle each staple out of the floor with a pair of needlenose plyers. I hate fucking staples at this point.
And yes, that's a case of Yard's IPA shoved under the coffee table to the left. I am going to drink the whole case after this is done.
Special toy surprise:
We had to pop the baseboards off so we can sand the floor all the way up to the wall. Shoved behind one of the baseboards were two Flyers ticket stubs from 18 years ago. My camera is shitty, but they depict Peter Zezel and Bill Barber. Some mullet-life-support-system will probably pay actual money for these.
That's today's installment of This Old Clusterfuck. Tomorrow's Friday; I'll probably blog some fucking cat pictures.
Ok, I am showing these to Mr. B., by way of inspiration. Our house needs painting and the floors need to be refinished (and, in a perfect world where we hadn't already spent money redoing the kitchen, we'd put wood down on the steps, which are currently freezing cold, ugly, slippery linoleum.
But--don't hate me--we did paint the kitchen orange.
Posted by: bitchphd | December 02, 2004 at 11:56 PM
Posted by: rachel | December 03, 2004 at 06:28 AM
I think the house is a fine example of pre-lobotomy provincial obviously influenced by the late 1960's LSD trend.
Posted by: Lenny | December 03, 2004 at 07:36 AM
I'm not a Flyers or Red Wings fan, but those hockey tickets are cool.
And I don't think the phrase "fucking cat pictures" truly embodies the spirit of catblogging. (But what do I know, I'm a dog person)
Posted by: Gib | December 03, 2004 at 08:58 AM
I'm with rachel. There's a reason all those renovation shows are so popular. I'm already eager to see the progress you make with the lime kitchen. And all that wood in the living room is going to be gorgeous. I love stairs; I think they're beautiful - even after having fallen down a full flight twice in my life.
Good luck.
Posted by: eRobin | December 03, 2004 at 01:18 PM
Come on, Mithras. You're a liberal, and so can not be renovating or otherwise doing anything constructive. Shouldn't you be out drinking a $15.00 green-tea latte while using your Volvo to kidnap 13-year old boys, indoctrinate them in the vile ways of Marxism, then force them to gay marry a Frenchman, but only after impregnating their sister, refusing to marry her, and then suing the whole family for emotional distress?
That looks like a great project, reclaiming the house from the insanity of the prior owners. I helped a friend of mine pull up the shag in his house a couple years ago, revealing hardwood floors --- into which the carpeter had simply stapled the carpet pad. What the hell was that about?
Posted by: paperwight | December 03, 2004 at 01:41 PM
That is the most bizzare kitchen I have ever seen in my life to date.
I wonder if you can find the previous owner's crack stash somewhere in there.
Posted by: Ryan | November 27, 2005 at 07:02 PM