I've spent the past month or so meeting a lot of people. I've probably knocked on doors over 1,000 times. We have identified about 215 Kerry supporters in this division. The goal was 120. By Friday, we're hoping to get to 240, so we can bring out twice as many people as planned. Other MoveOn PAC volunteers across PA have identified thousands more.
But success has its challenges. We need to reach all of those 240 voters and make sure they vote on election day. Staff the polling place, checking off names and serving coffee. Calling people, leaving messages, calling again. Driving people to the polls. Walking the division once, twice, three times, knocking on doors when we don't have a phone number. So, we need your help - wherever you are. If you're in Philadelphia, excellent, come help us out. If you're anywhere else, also excellent, we will find you something to do. Do you really need to go to work that day? I don't. I can lose a day's pay to try to evict Bush. How much would you give to get rid of him? A day? The whole weekend before, and the day of the election? Whatever you can give, sign up here or email me.
One of my volunteers just bagged on me. My begging was unpersuasive and my shouts of "Judas!" offensive.
I don't get it. It's just a few more days of hard work.
Posted by: eRobin | October 26, 2004 at 12:01 AM
Just do what I do. Take one of their family members hostage and make ominous statements about what might happen if Kerry doesn't win. Seems to work. Let me know if you need help; I still have space in my basement.
Posted by: Mithras | October 26, 2004 at 07:44 AM
I can't be there on election day and I'll be working on my own GOTV efforts down here but I would like to donate some money to feed the volunteers.
Posted by: bridget | October 26, 2004 at 09:01 AM
I've been canvassing here in Lancaster City/County, trying to keep Bush's margin tighter in Central PA, so you can pile on in Philly. I will be a pollwatcher on Tuesday in a county where most of the judges of election are Republicans. I have been extremely encouraged by the numbers of Lancastrians who have turned out for canvassing or for GOTV training. Bush will be here tomorrow to pray with the Amish again, but I like the mood and I like our odds.
Lancaster -- Home of the Smoketown Six
Posted by: The Pragmatist | October 26, 2004 at 09:53 AM