I mentioned the other day my goal as a MoveOn PAC precinct leader was to double my division's target number of infrequent voters identified as supporting Kerry from 120 to 240 by Friday. We did it two days early. So, now my goal is to add a few more and then get 240 to the polls on election day. (We're doing this in 10,000 precincts across the swing states, by the way - let's just assume that, on average, half hit their target of 120. That's 5,000 times 120, or 600,000 votes, more than President Gore's margin of victory.)
In ancient times, comets in the sky and eclipses were thought of as evil omens for rulers of nations.
And, of course, the underrated team from Massachusetts clobbered the guys reputed to be the best in the game. It was a sweep, a landslide.
Six more days, then I'll sleep.