So, now Kerry says this:
Responding to President Bush's challenge to clarify his position, Sen. John F. Kerry said Monday that he still would have voted to authorize the war in Iraq even if he had known then that U.S. and allied forces would not find weapons of mass destruction.
Then Kerry went on to question Bush in return: Why aren't Muslim nations already on board with troops? Why didn't you have a plan to win the peace? Why are you such a dumbass?
This probably makes all kind of political sense, but fuck it - it's not what I want to hear. "I would have pursued the same stupid policy, but I would have done it cheaper and better" doesn't tingle my toes.
Yes, Saddam very bad blah blah blah plastic shredders that didn't exist blah blah mass graves not yet found but may be there yadda yakka. (Just wait, though: with the way things are progressing in Iraq, all of his judges might end up in jail and they might acquit Saddam. I love a cliffhanger, don't you?)
Invading Iraq was a waste of our political capital. Kerry's answer presumes that the invasion under President Kerry would have been carried out with Muslim allies and a shiny, effective post-war plan, all of which presumably would have kept the entire world from being pissed off at us (which, along with cost, are the principal objections to the invasion). Moron-Americans, a key swing vote, believe Getting Rid of Saddam Was Worth It, so Kerry has to placate them. So his statement is designed to appease the morons, remind people how stoopid Bush is, and still condition his war support in such a way that not even anti-Iraq-war diehards can poke big holes in it. Still, my toes aren't tingling. I guess that's why they only hold these things every 4 years.
Update: George W. Bush, who dodged service in Vietnam and misled the country into war, now takes the opportunity to mock Sen. Nuance:
"Now, almost two years after he voted for the war in Iraq, and almost 220 days after switching positions to declare himself the anti-war candidate, my opponent has found a new nuance," Bush said. "After months of questioning my motives and even my credibility, Sen. Kerry now agrees with me."Bush added sarcastically that Kerry still had time to change his position: "There are still 84 days left in the campaign."
Way to leave yourself open, John. Now slap that spoiled fratboy silly before this shit gets out of hand.
I'm just all not-tingly too. Being pissed on does that to ya.
I tried to quit this political web logging stuff once too. You'll be back. You care too much.
Posted by: Michael Miller | August 12, 2004 at 03:50 PM
aw jeez, so who are the terrorists gonna be bombing for?
it's either none or both of 'em....
Posted by: nick paul | August 12, 2004 at 06:52 PM
Woah...I guess you were serious about the turning off the computer thing...
Posted by: Dawn Summers | August 16, 2004 at 11:58 AM
Kerry is such a dumbass. The correct answer was, "I'd pay some Dutchman to set fire to the Reichstag."
Posted by: Jeff | August 16, 2004 at 12:44 PM
I guess you were serious about the turning off the computer thing...
Nah. Just got busy, is all.
Posted by: Mithras | August 18, 2004 at 02:03 PM