I am a tech geek wannabe, not a real tech geek. I love technology but don't want to put the time in learning everything that I need to know to get my TGC (Tech Geek Certification). As a result, things filter up through the layer, and by the time they get to me, they are no longer new. For example, this is my first post ever over a Wi-Fi connection, as I sit in a coffee shop on South Street overlooking the detritus of another Saturday summer night in Philthadelphia.
Next I'll be writing about these new-fangled things called personal digital assistants. I just got one.
Hey, it's people like you that keep the hip in geekdom.
Believe me, it's not nearly as satisfying as all the movies portray. We don't have any groupies - well, girl groupies, anyway.
And as far as I can tell, we don't get hot chicks reading our blogs calling us up for hot sex because of our prodigious knowledge of programming languages and hardware. Could be wrong on this, but I think I'd know if it were the case. . .
But still, glad you're entering the 21st century. It is pretty darn cool, ain't it?
Posted by: Hal | June 28, 2004 at 12:43 AM