I notice that Yahoo! mail upgraded their free accounts today to 100 Mb of storage (from 6 Mb). I have been waiting with bated breath for a Gmail account because, well, I don't know why. It was new, it was big, it was Google. Obviously, Yahoo! believes they can stem a rush to Gmail (which, as you know, is offering 1 Gb of storage) when it actually launches by making users like me (who are conditioned to think of 6 Mb as the upper limit) feel that they have all this extra room. But the upgrade makes me realize something: I don't want more room, I want a way of not having messages lying around for no good reason. It's like someone who is fat from eating too much buying bigger pants and thinking they've solved the problem. Um, no. One day you'll run into that higher e-mail storage limit, and instead of having to go through hundreds of messages and deciding which to keep, it'll be thousands.
P.S. - Yahoo! has lots of teething problems with the new upgrades, too. Much of the time I can't access folders. Why the rush? Is Gmail rolling out soon?
Update: Okay, I take it all back. Mir at Dim Sum Diaries bids me stop whining and kindly sends me one of her gmail invites. I am all over it like a crack addict on free rock. In the first 5 minutes of using it, I notice (1) messages in my inbox show a preview of the text in the message, which is a feature I didn't know I needed and immediately must have, and (2) messages show links to the related replies and replies to replies, which is ditto. Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail are so dead.
Now you have to stop yer whinin! ;)
Posted by: Mir | June 15, 2004 at 04:01 PM
We're all crazy to get a Gmail account around here too.
Posted by: eRobin | June 19, 2004 at 06:07 PM