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« What Part of "Democracy Freedom Stay The Course Terror Terror" Don't You Understand? | Main | Look Over There! Evil, Evil Lawyers! »

April 25, 2004


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lol. Me too. And I blame the school bureacracy, and the Dept. of Ed. All my life teachers been harping at me that they were teaching critical thinking skills. Well where are they now?

We are indeed getting the government that "we deserve".

It's just sad that an even greater catastrophe will be needed to expose how monumentally idiotic the people we have in charge are.

All my life teachers been harping at me that they were teaching critical thinking skills.

Yeah, they said they taught me some, too, but look how I turned out.

It's just sad that an even greater catastrophe will be needed to expose how monumentally idiotic the people we have in charge are.

Um, aren't you making a pretty large assumption there? Namely, that another catastrophe will cause a reaction that is 180 degrees opposite the one caused by the last catastrophe? In any sane world, lots of heads in the administration would have rolled long before now, or else Bush's polls would be in the single digits for failing to do so.

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