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April 25, 2004


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Right. If we fail in Iraq it'll be liberals fault because we didn't clap loud enough.

Ouch. My retort to these individuals is that when they volunteer to go to Iraq themselves, to do civilian or military work, then I begin taking them seriously. Never have I seen so many so eager to send so many others to die for their own beliefs.

But they can blow b.s. like this because somewhere in the back of their heads, they aren't thinking of going themselves.

It's a little bit different when it's your own neck on the line.

Well, the chickenhawk critique is often correct, but I know people whose lives are on the line still support the invasion. Now, some of that might be an unwillingness to abandon an effort that has cost their friends' lives, but I don't want to assume irrationality. But that bloggers' thoughts don't even stand up to a minute's thought.

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