I just got back from voting. What a mess. First, they changed the polling place without advance notice. Then they provided only two machines, when there are normally far more. There must have been 100 people lined up to vote - I ended up waiting an hour and fifteen minutes. Then, the poll workers and various bystanders were continually getting into it inside. I can't say the shit was flying in one direction more than another. The Republican division guy was clearly trying to sway people to Katz by talking about how "corrupt" Philadelphia is - real news flash, buddy - and that vote fraud was rampant in favor of Street, and that in fact, Katz would have been elected last time if it weren't for fraud. I wanted to tell him to shut up, but I think I'll go one better and file a formal complaint. The ballot was so complex, with nine ballot questions, dozens of judges up for retention, plus the regular races - everyone was puzzling over the sample ballot while in line. It made the people working the table antsy, so they were trying to hustle people in and out of the voting booth. One guy started giving a voter shit about taking too much time in the booth after he was done. If there was partisan angle to it, I couldn't discern it.
Results by midnight, I would guess.
Update: Street crushed Katz. I doubt the FBI bug was politically motivated, but if it was, someone seriously miscalculated.