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September 01, 2003


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whoa! those Brothers are spooky.

a few years after i graduated from the High school
and got as far away from them as possible, the Principal (a Christian Brother) of my Grade school
was busted for tampering with some of the kids.

turns out he had messed with a fair few over a twenty year period.. the kids he fiddled during
my time were always the 'quiet' ones.

i was a loud-mouthed smart arse (i like to think anyway) so i guess
that explains why i was never approached. i guess..

most of them were violent too.

like i said.. spooky.

Are you Irish? Most of the nuns and priests we had growing up near Philadelphia were Irish, Italian, some Poles. They grew up in the "Old Country" and were a lot more authoritarian as a result.

i'm half Irish (isn't everybody?).

most of the Christian Brothers were of Irish descent. can't recall any accents. knew their Latin so i guess that counts as 'Old Country'.

they were all a bit nuts in some sort of way.

i lived about 5 minutes walk from my school, spotted one of the brothers at the local newstand flicking through the 'girlie' mags a couple of times. i was surprised the first time but it didn't change my world.

i wonder if they pooled their stash?

back in the day most kids didn't believe me when i told them about my porn perusal sighting.

ah yes, have faith my son.

I learned that Ten Commandments song in Catholic grade school too. I also still remember it. In fact I'm looking for a resource that can give me the tune or music it is set to. Would you be able to tell me?

No idea, sorry. There must be some Catholic music resource somewhere on the web.

Dori: Did you ever find the music to the Ten Commandments Song? I'm looking for it, too. I have the wordes but need the music. Would like to find it on the internet.
Thank you -

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