It's struck me over the past six months how many times I've read a conservative who wonders, with apparent bewilderment, why liberals all seem so angry at them. Did they just spring fully formed from the forehead of Instahack? Perhaps. They apparently are not aware that for thirty years or more conservatives have been bashing liberals over the head repeatedly, calling us traitors, Communists, degenerates, welfare leeches, and politically correct wimps, and even implying we are physically unattractive. (Okay, some of us are degenerates, but that's not the point.) They're like someone who abuses their spouse for years, and then when they come home one night, drunk and abusive as usual, they get a knife stuck into their pig necks, and the blood is spurting out, life draining, and as their vision is slipping away, they ask, "But ... why, honey?"
My, that's an image, huh?
Anyway, so today Atrios points out that Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter are running scared from being confronted by Joe Conason. Are they panicking, or what? And now I see that Dean Esmay has "decided to take a break from blogging" because people were being mean to him. (You should have seen how his wife reacted to all the criticism - let's just say it shows that Dean's the intelligent one in the marriage.) It turns out that there is also a right-wing whine fest going on between the stupid, evil shrew Venomous Kate and something calling itself Da Goddess, in which said Goddess may have actually called Child Protective Services to crack down on the hateful Kate's offspring. (They let her breed??)
Right wingers tearing each other to shreds, whining for their mommies, and calling the cops on each other. All in all, a mighty satisfying sight. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.
I never called CPS. I don't believe they were ever called by anyone. But, that's just my opinion.
Thanks for posting the links to some of the other bits and pieces.
I actually found this quite funny!
P.S. I'm not a something...I'm a woman. Or a gal. Or female. But, as long as you just holler "Oh my God(dess)!" I'm happy.
Okay...this was a mighty fine giggle for tonight. I'm gonna have to come back and check out more of your site.
Posted by: Da Goddess | August 23, 2003 at 02:00 AM
Thank you, Goddess. Although I am a liberal atheist degenerate, I would consider worshipping you, but you don't have any nekkid pictures of yourself (or any pictures of yourself at all, as far as I can tell) on your site.
Posted by: Mithras | August 23, 2003 at 09:20 AM