I realize that I am sort of veering off course from my mission of delivering a FAIR AND BALANCED review of law, politics, S&M and Philadelphia. Law and politics - yes, lots of that. S&M and Philadelphia, so far, very little. This may mean I have to change missions, but I am going to try focusing on the other two topics for a while.
I'm going to start posting some of my favorite S&M porn in order to show people what I like, entertain those who also like it and possibly provoke some discussion. I realize that what might happen is my bandwidth just gets all chewed up by people looking for the porn. If that happens, I'll reconsider.
I'm a sadist and a Dom. That is, I find it sexually arousing both to hurt people and to bend them to my will. (You could be one without being the other, but I'm not.) The kind of porn I like best is stuff like this (caution: large movie file). It combines raw sexuality with a heapin' helpin' of pain and humiliation on the bottom's part. (Video courtesy of Cockgaggers.)